Saturday, December 06, 2008

A Birthday and Lace

My little guy turned 12 today and can look at me straight in the eye because our eyes are at the same height.

His grandparents all sent cool gifts. He got a really neat musical instrument and some books from one and a compass and headlight from the other. He loves these gifts. He told me he would be wearing his new headlight to lock up the chickens at night. He never likes going outside across the yard in the dark. Of course with his light, he may see eyes in the woods and like it less.

We gave Gregory the Rip Stick he wanted since trying a friend's during the church camping trip.

Gregory didn't think he would get one of these after Kurt and I pointed out we had no concrete on the property nor anywhere close. But the boys play with them at church in the parking lot and we figured he would enjoy his present on Sundays.

Since we don't have concrete, Gregory practiced his balancing in the front room.

He got pretty good, pretty fast. We also got him safety gear, including an adult size medium helmet.

Unfortunately we are a big headed family and Michael was the only one who fit into the helmet.

Gregory will have to learn to ride without falling on his head until we can find a helmet large enough for his head.

In the meantime, I finished blocking my second MS4 stole.

This one will be a gift.

I made it from Zephry lace weight in the suede colorway. I love this color and the beads are so pretty against it.

In fact, I like this color so much I may have to find a new lace project I can do for myself with it. That is if I can complete some of the other projects I have on the needles.


Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Happy Birthday to Gregory! 12 is a magic age...fits just before the teens!:o)
The Shawl is beautiful , don't blame you for wanting to make another....anyone receiving it as a gift is blessed indeed....Ginny

N. Maria said...

I hopped on over from Wovenspun and was reading along and there it was! ....your MS4!!!! It is absolutely beautiful!
I have put off and put off kitchnering it. I know how but...Okay, after seeing how stunning yours is, I'll get it done!